PC Maintenance, Repair, & Networking
Credits: 2-1/2
Grades: 11,12
Fee: $30.00
Game Programming & Technologies
Credits: 2-1/2
Grades: 11, 12
Fee: $30.00
Instructor Info
Danielle Wukitsch
(630)365-5113, Ext. 71721
Program Description
Students have the opportunity to learn a wide variety of computer technology skills. Computer Technology provides many computer related experiences designed for entry into the job market. All students gain practical hands-on knowledge using state-of-the-art computer technology systems.
PC Repair (CompTIA A+)
Grades: 11, 12
2-1/2 Credits
Do you like to take things apart, figure things out and experiment with technology? This course is for you! We practice the following hands-on skills: soldering, wiring, computer repair, building computers, software installation, and the finer points of Microsoft Windows. Our goal is to prepare for the Comp TIA A+ Exam. The A+ exam is the industry standard for IT professionals. Other amazing opportunities include field trips, guest speakers, Arduino building/programming, and drone operation. Students who compete this class with a grade of B or better can receive credit for Waubonsee College courses.
FVCC Course Fee:$30.00
Game Programming & Technologies
Grades: 11, 12
2-1/2 Credits
Students who enroll in Game Technologies will study various game genres, purposes and platforms. The class will learn the basics of C# and use this language to create simple games. Students will have an opportunity to experience the many careers associated with game development, including most aspects of game design and development. Professional design documents will be developed, and students will use those documents to create various gaming environments. There will be a unit on Blender as well, and a unique game will be created using the Unreal game engine.
FVCC Course Fee: $30
Cybersecurity (CompTIA Security+)
Grades: 11, 12
2-1/2 Credits
Students who enroll in Cybersecurity will be studying for the CompTIA Security+ exam. This exam is the industry standard for Cybersecurity professionals.
This course includes simulations and multiple operating systems. The class will study units in; understanding attacks, defense planning, access control, cryptography, network monitoring, security policies, risk management, and social engineering. Our class will also enter Cybersecurity competitions. Students will gain hands on knowledge of cybersecurity tools, as well as the opportunity to earn certification for future employment.
FVCC Course Fee: $30